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St. Vincent Cancer Center Mosaic

We are excited to share the final product of the mosaic project at the St. Vincent Cancer Center. The original painting underlying the mosaic was created by Yael Buxbaum and I; the scene was inspired by members of a cancer support group at St. Vincent's. Once the painting was complete, I set up a corner with tiles and chairs in the Cancer Center and invited people to stop by and help put the mosaic together. The project took on a life of its own and truly became a collaborative effort; friends, patients, patients' family members, doctors, nurses, administrative staff... anyone and everyone helped with the piece. Often someone would come to place just one tile and stay for hours. The space of the mosaic became a calm and safe place for people to do art and relax. You can learn more about the process and see the final product in the following video:

To everyone who helped with the mosaic or supported the project, thank you. The mural will be hanging in the lobby of the Cancer Center if you would like to see it in person.

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